Download Entire Wikipedia for Offline Use With an HTML5 App

January 5th, 2012 Comments Off on Download Entire Wikipedia for Offline Use With an HTML5 App

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i always wanted to carry wikipedia with me. i remember japanese started manufacturing small tamagochi-style gadgets with it, but they didn’t catch on. recently i was very happy to receive kindle with whispernet, where one of the key features for me is global access to wikipedia.

so this is just brilliant – somebody put it in a browser:

This application saves and downloads a copy of nearly all of the textual content of the English Wikipedia locally so that it can be accessed without internet connectivity. It downloads and saves a compressed dump file and an index, 14MB for the small version and 1GB for the larger one (you can select which one from the settings). Using WebWorkers and the File API, it seeks to a specific part of the compressed dump, decompresses it with a pure javascript implementation of LZMA and renders the Wikitext as HTML. All of this happens almost instantly.

via Download Entire Wikipedia for Offline Use With an HTML5 App.

… and it works flawlesly! can’t wait to be able to download it to my ipad as well.

i like cloud and all, i recently moved all my music collection to it, but when it comes to the sum of all world knowledge, that has to be available always.

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