Reblogged: 18 Key Observations about the State of Blogging in 2011

January 17th, 2012 Comments Off on Reblogged: 18 Key Observations about the State of Blogging in 2011

I’m always excited when I see someone ponder the ‘blogging’ as a phenomena. while technorati is doing a decent job surveying us, not enough second-level interpretors are out there, explaining the findings and focusing us on the most relevant angles. this one is decent:

18 Key Observations about the State of Blogging in 2011

Tweet Blogging is a profession and a passion that has been transformational. The feedback has changed and informed me. I have written, travelled, presented and networked. It has allowed me to learn and to communicate with a global audience that has been enlightening, inspiring and empowering. It asks questions of you. Will people appreciate your th


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