TypePad Blogs Get More Relevant With Zemanta Recommendations

May 16th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink


Groucho Marx & anonymous blogging

Groucho Marx & anonymous blogging (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m late to the game, probably everyone knows already, but for the record:

TypePad Blogs Get More Relevant With Zemanta Recommendations

Life just got a little easier for bloggers who use TypePad. The hosted blogging platform announced that it is integrating Zemanta’s content recommendation tools into its service, which suggests links to related stories from across the Web. Zemanta also generates in-text links to related information.

via: www.readwriteweb.com

… when we started 5 years ago, we had a list of most relevant blogging platforms of all times. now all of them are our partners 🙂 it feels empowering and inspiring to make dreams happen, but you have to remind yourself of that achievement, because when you reach them, you have other dream already.

Guest Blogging And Black Mailing. Or What Is It?

March 7th, 2012 § Comments Off on Guest Blogging And Black Mailing. Or What Is It? § permalink

I was really sad when I read this article. So far I have rarely came across misunderstandings amongst fellow bloggers.  Every time a blogger screws a fellow blogger, a pony dies somewhere.

Guest Blogging And Black Mailing. Or What Is It?

I love doing guest blogging. And I love so many genuine guest bloggers who are nurturing the blogosphere with awesome content on other blogs, apart from their own. Since I’m so much into guest blogging and since I’ve experienced all its goodness,…

We need this to understand how you use our service - you can take it out if you like. Cheers, your Blogspire team.

via: www.probloggingsuccess.com

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Could crowdsourcing be a better way to make legislation?

February 29th, 2012 § Comments Off on Could crowdsourcing be a better way to make legislation? § permalink

yes! yes! yes!

Could crowdsourcing be a better way to make legislation?

Crowdsourcing has proven to be a pretty good way to accomplish things that require a lot of input from different people, including the creation of encyclopedias and the financing of personal projects such as movies and comic books. But could it be used to create legislation as well?

We need this to understand how you use our service - you can take it out if you like. Cheers, your Blogspire team.

via: gigaom.com

but really, to actually get there, we need more transparency. basically, that’s the hope behind the open data movement right? if all the data is open, and real-time controlled using automated agents, then everyone can help on decision making. if all data is distilled to transparent chunks of information, then the politics is cleansed back to relationships management, without deceit or manipulation.

the challenge is not so much collection of information anymore, but figuring out when to present which.

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