How big is the Web? [data]

August 15th, 2012 § 6 comments § permalink

Tim Berners-Lee: The World Wide Web - Opportun...

Tim Berners-Lee: The World Wide Web

I was curious about the total pageviews of the web. It turns out they are not really tracked anywhere, and that they are easy to estimate, so I did a quick analysis.

First I found two sources for ‘global total pageviews’:

  • Akamai Net Usage Index – amazing real time dashboard of part of this data. They say that every minute 3 million pageviews are spent on news sites, and 10 million on social sites. That’s friggin’ a lot of pageviews! But I wanted to know the grand total, and hopefully get some sense on where the blogs are in the picture.
  • blog post about interpolating this data from Alexa. Nice approach, but a few years old data, so I decided to repeat the process.

Alexa publishes pageviews for every site for free as a % of global pageviews. First thing to do was estimate the grand total, as described in that blog post, by looking at the published data from Wikipedia.

11,600,000,000 / 0.5% = 2320,000,000,000 monthly total pageviews on the Web

… told you it was easy 🙂 but that just means we can dig deeper. Alexa publishes the list of top million sites in a downloadable text file, so I wrote a script to go trough it, scrape Alexa pages for top 10.000 sites and store their individual traffic shares.

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Why bother seeing the world for real?

April 5th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

This project is the closest we’ll get to teleport for a while.

it’s also an amazing collection of bits and pieces of the world, that we would never see otherwise.

there’s something poetic about it.

Google Sightseeing – See the World on Your Desktop

Browsing Google Maps you can see lots of interesting landmarks and fun occurrences captured by the Streetview cameras. Finding all of those fun and interesting views can sometimes be tricky. That’s when the Google Sightseeing blog becomes handy.

We need this to understand how you use our service - you can take it out if you like. Cheers, your Blogspire team.


give me more search results

February 17th, 2012 § Comments Off on give me more search results § permalink

Seth is right, I’d love a denser search interface. what he proposes sounds relatively easy to build – any extension develop up for weekend project?

Seth’s Blog: We can handle information density

I’d like to suggest a power search feature for a search engine that wants to recapture expert users (DuckDuckGo should know that the people who are most likely to switch are the power users, because power users are always the first to switch…). Show us three columns of results, with an emphasis on the name of the source behind the link and perhaps some data on how often people who click that link hit the back button. It would be easy to imagine a page with twenty or thirty easy to read and easy to follow links. A search engine that trusts us to be smart, fast and make our own decisions.

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Google May Be Replacing Content as King

February 8th, 2012 § Comments Off on Google May Be Replacing Content as King § permalink

ANTARCTICA - FEBRUARY 15:  The Koru Memorial s...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Google May Be Replacing Content as King


While great content will always get you noticed, I have come to the somewhat obvious conclusion that “Content is NOT King, Google is King” on the web. This is a slightly different mindset when it comes to getting traffic and marketing on the net.


I disagree with this article’s intention – the guys frustration is that obsolete sites will suffer even if they have good content – well, guess what, good content is King, but if you put it in a wooden box and ship it to Antarctica, it won’t do much for you either.

If you have good content, you should care about it and make sure it get’s treated well – with modern CMS like WordPress at least, with space to breathe, rather than hidden behind tons of advertising.

Content is King, because people want content. Google might be the first minister, but he is a mere mortal.

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