how scoble is wrong in calling open web dead.

February 20th, 2012 § Comments Off on how scoble is wrong in calling open web dead. § permalink

Google toilet

Image via Wikipedia

superb analysis, and best piece in the end:

Chris Saad | Paying Attention: Personal Blog of Chris Saad

To put it another way, the reason Google was possible was because the open web was crawl-able – for free – with no biz dev deal. The reason FB was possible was because the open web allowed any site to spring up and do what it wanted to do. Today, too much of our data is locked up in closed repositories that can and must be cracked open. Google’s moves to exclude other socnets (besides G+) from their search results until they had free and clear access to them might be inconvenient for users in the short term, but, as a strategic forcing function, is in the best interest of the open web long term.

… in essence, everybody is free to “just use” proprietary parts of the web, but don’t go out preaching the death of openness that makes proprietary possible. no need to do so, and it can have lasting damage.

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