LinkedIn Apps

October 29th, 2008 § 1 comment § permalink

Pollice Verso (Image via Wikipedia I got notified about long expected feature of Apps within LinkedIn being released. Exciting!

But, as usual with those guys, it doesn’t work the first time; and looking at some other features they’ve released this year, it’s not going to for some more time.

The first three apps I’ve tried responded:

  • problem communicating with server
  • undefined
  • temporary overloaded

The last one  is actually from my friends over at, huge congrats to them, not only for being featured app, but also the only one with articulated damage control.

When clicking on  ‘browse more apps’ nothing happens. Doh.When going to my profile I see loads of advertisements for all the apps I haven’t installed and no activity from those that I have. The exception is SixApart, that actually seems to be doing something useful. Thumbs up!

All in all, please LinkedIn, can you take some more time on finishing the job on launch next time?

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