Why bother seeing the world for real?

April 5th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

This project is the closest we’ll get to teleport for a while.

it’s also an amazing collection of bits and pieces of the world, that we would never see otherwise.

there’s something poetic about it.

Google Sightseeing – See the World on Your Desktop

Browsing Google Maps you can see lots of interesting landmarks and fun occurrences captured by the Streetview cameras. Finding all of those fun and interesting views can sometimes be tricky. That’s when the Google Sightseeing blog becomes handy.

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via: www.freetech4teachers.com

First printed book was the not most important one

April 4th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

I’m reading Guttenberg the Geek, fantastic essay / biography by Jeff Jarvis, focusing on entrepreneurial aspects of famous inventor.

Several topics here are super interesting, like similarities between inventors, geeks, entrepreneurs, and what it means for the future of mankind.

Guttenberg Bible

Guttenberg Bible (Photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik)

However, one is not so obvious, but it might be inspiring for new generations of entrepreneurs around the web – Guttenberg spent a lot of time, energy and risk in building out the typeset and printing the first book.

The situation was much harder than anything today – he could not know if he will even survive the project, but let’s still compare this risk and emotional investment with today’s entrepreneurs – geeks between 20 and 30, who choose the uncertain but shiny path of building their business.

The project you are working on, should compensate for the conditions of extreme uncertainty. Compensate by reward and/or importance for yourself, human kind, the planet.

The product you will be judged upon should encapsulate the shiny core of the promise, of the better world. That’s why Guttenberg wouldn’t stop until he fulfilled his mission and printed the Bible – there were several smaller projects before it, to perfect the technique, but nobody really talks about them these days.

He was able to change the world because he endured on his journey until he could crown the disruptive technology, with a really memorable crown. Respect.

How to Overcome the “I Wish” Mentality and Start a Blog

April 3rd, 2012 § Comments Off on How to Overcome the “I Wish” Mentality and Start a Blog § permalink

envie de randonnée [Explore 118 du 22/03/12]

Image by Vins64 via Flickr

the last two (of the three) points in this post are spot on! my take:

  1. stop over-consuming information – everyone wants you to be passive consumer, but you feel you should be active participant. stop f**ing listening to other then, stop obsessing over your wall, stop and think and write! i check out my FB messages occasionally, just so friends don’t call me rude, and that’s it!
  2. nobody’s perfect, don’t over-engineer – stop worrying about the quality, whatever you write will be 80% OK, and the last 20% you’ll develop by doing, not by waiting.
it’s exactly what I had to change in my mind, to start blogging again. and it makes me happier.

How to Overcome the “I Wish” Mentality and Start a Blog

This Guest post is by Adarsh Thampy of Conversionchamp. I wish I started my blog a long time back when there was a lot less competition. I wish I was able to write great content from the start. I wish I had the money to purchase hosting and set up a self-hosted WordPress blog. I wish, I wish, I wish…

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via: www.problogger.net

Just the Facts. Yes, All of Them.

March 31st, 2012 § Comments Off on Just the Facts. Yes, All of Them. § permalink

Public speaking

Public speaking (Photo credit: brainpop_uk)

I really like this attitude:

€œIf all data was clear, a lot fewer people would subtract value from the world,€ he says. €œA lot more people would add value.

… eventually, everything will be made transparent, and we will demonstrate that people are inherently good. And politics will go back to be what it was supposed to be – the art of the argument and debate, rather than manipulation.

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Screenshots Of Despair

March 30th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

What a great example of cyber-anthropology!

“Screenshots Of Despair” Reveals The New Human Condition

More and more of us are spending more and more of our time staring at screens; And it’s amazing how emotional we’ve started to get about pixels. I’m pretty sure the last thing I see before I die will be one of those blasted spinning rainbow cursor balls. And I’m not alone (good call on the Morrissey, guys).

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via: techcrunch.com

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Using WordPress as your publishing hub

March 29th, 2012 § Comments Off on Using WordPress as your publishing hub § permalink

Personalizando WordPress 1.5

Personalizando WordPress 1.5 (Photo credit: juanpol)

Your blog is your online home. Even if you spend most of your day somewhere away, this is where your toot-brush is, where you are yourself.

I’ve been a proponent of this view since I started blogging, and it’s also the reason why I’m sticking with WordPress – I like moving furniture around.

Using WordPress as your publishing hub

This morning at WordCamp San Diego I gave a talk titled “Using WordPress as your publishing hub. It went well and lots of people had great questions. If anyone has followup questions I’m happy to answer them in the comments. The slides are included below.

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In a nutshell, regardless of what you are doing around the web, you will promote your posts on twitter, and not the other way around. That’s the core power of the blog!

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Bessemer Launches New Website With Hilarious Press Release

March 28th, 2012 § Comments Off on Bessemer Launches New Website With Hilarious Press Release § permalink

What a great use of PR!

Bessemer Launches New Website With Hilarious Press Release

Bessemer Venture Partners has launched a new website, which ordinarily might not be all that newsworthy except that the firm launched the site with an amusing Onion-esque press release which Kent Bennett was kind enough to send over to me last night. More VC firms should consider using a duck mascot as marketing.

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via: bostinno.com

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Disconnect: another service to protect our privacy?

March 27th, 2012 § Comments Off on Disconnect: another service to protect our privacy? § permalink

A heart-shaped cookie

A heart-shaped cookie (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Privacy is a funny thing.

Online, we want search engines to show us best possible results, Facebook to amuse us with most intriguing stories from our friends, and yet we are afraid that they are ‘stealing’ our data with cookies.

I guess this disconnect of expectations happens because we are intimately convinced, that the world revolves around us, and that the ‘most relevant result’ has nothing to do with me as an individual, so why would they possibly need MY data, don’t they have enough from everyone else already?

Disconnect: Ex-Googlers raise funding to stop Google, Facebook & Co from tracking your data

TechCrunch :: In the age of endless sharing, super cookies, social search results, and that ever-present social graph, it’s comforting to know that there are some who are still prioritizing privacy. (And a few of them are former Googlers no less!

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via: www.nextlevelofnews.com

Supposedly in Netherlands, people don’t use shades on windows, because “windows are for looking out, not in”, and in NY, it’s sometimes considered rude to use shades that prevent neighbors use their binoculars.

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Is Social Media Strategy Required or Redundant?

March 26th, 2012 § Comments Off on Is Social Media Strategy Required or Redundant? § permalink

Funny argument going on here:

Is Social Media Strategy Required or Redundant?

I don’t have a problem with Guy Kawasaki. I enjoy his books. His track record in business is substantial. We have friends in common. But on the subject of social media strategy, we disagree in every possible way. Last month, Guy was interviewed (that happens a lot) in Inc.

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I think ‘strategy’ here actually means “I am serious about my content marketing“, and nothing else. And yes, more people should accept that they have to be serious about their content, as it is the only thing that represents them out there these days.

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PR News Poll: Wikipedia Mostly Unexplored By PR Pros

March 19th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

My Grace Park Photo On Wikipedia

My Grace Park Photo On Wikipedia (Photo credit: kk+)

I am surprised, more and more often, by really well written Wikipedia pages for very obscure people and services.

I so far assumed they are written by themselves, or rather a PR professional on their behalf.I just couldn’t believe there is enough people who care about XX to properly maintain that article, and even have it much more elaborate than for instance the one about YY.

Also, my favorite trick to use for content-based pet projects in Slovenia is, to contribute part of the content to an under resourced Wikipedia, and cite the new project as the source. Everybody wins.

So I guess I’m surprised that Wikipedia is not under attack by mercenaries who should know everything about content business. It might be that Wikipedians are such merciless defenders of the shrine, that nobody evil dares to touch it.  😉

PR News Poll: Wikipedia Mostly Unexplored By PR Pros

PR News Poll: Wikipedia Mostly Unexplored By PR Pros By Bill Miltenberg, PR News There’s been an ongoing debate between leading PR pros and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales about PR’s participation in the creation and editing of Wikipedia posts. Wales says that objectivity and transparency is lacking among PR pros, especially within agencies.

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via: www.prnewsonline.com

I think it’s a fascinating topic, and one we will hear more about this year, as the content marketing goes mainstream. What if Wikipedians were paid to edit Wikipedia full time?

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