Calypso Cases

February 15th, 2012 § Comments Off on Calypso Cases § permalink

Didn’t get a chance to write about them earlier, but this Ljubljana-based company is truly amazing.

the little case you see on the picture bellow – it’s made of 17 different parts and materials. I was privileged to see the drawer with all the variations they’ve built for testing purposes – 3 feet long row of cases of all shapes and sizes, with one common denominator: they all fit the phone perfectly, and they are all without a sew.

Calypso Cases

I’ve been heavily testing (read: beating up) a new Calypso Case for more than a month and it’s easy to say simply put, I’m impressed. Based in Ljubljana, Slovenia the founders are hand making iPhone 4 cases which are simply perfect in fit, function and design. They’re made of conite, titanium, leather and specially designed microfabrics.

We need this to understand how you use our service - you can take it out if you like. Cheers, your Blogspire team.


great work guys!

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kako se v medijih reproducira manjvrednost

February 12th, 2012 § Comments Off on kako se v medijih reproducira manjvrednost § permalink

Slovenščina: Plakat za Četrto generacijo - ume...

Image via Wikipedia

z mediji in novinarji v sloveniji in njihovim kolektivnim in posamičnim odnosom do bralcev in okolja je marsikaj narobe, ampak danes me je zbodla na videz najmanj pomembna bodica. morda se bo kdo strinjal da odseva širše težave.

v sobotni prilogi Dela sem se razveselil članka o Leonardovih večnih ženskah. razveselil iz dveh razlogov – ker je tema razstave zares zelo zanimiva, in ker imam to srečo da se občasno znajdem v Londonu in si vedno z veseljem vzamem kako uro za obisk kake galerije.

žal sem bil ustrezno razočaran že po prvem stavku. članek se začne z besedami:

pravijo da je bila to razstava tisočletja. vrste pred londonsko nacionalno galerijo so bile, kljub mrazu, vsak dan neskončno dolge.

vir: delo

vse je jasno, razstava je že zaključena, priložnost zamujena.

uredniÅ¡tvo ali novinar, ali oboji, pač domnevajo da piÅ¡ejo za bralce v dolini Å¡entflorjanski, in da je njihova naloga fascinirati z nedostopnim, ne pa obveščati o priložnostih. Slovenski bralec se lahko zgolj naslaja nad izbranima dvema reprodukcijama in sanja o ‘resničnem svetu’.

če bi članek pisal o finančni krizi bi naÅ¡teval podatke brez konteksta, zato da bi ‘nedostopnost’ zamaskiral v ‘nerazumljivost’; če bi pisal o uspehih bi govoril o tujih podjetjih; končno sporočilo je vedno: “itak se nič ne da spremeniti, pa tudi če bi se dalo itak ne boste nič spremenili.”

zavedam se da sem izbral izjemno nepomemben primer za to poanto, ampak ravno zaradi svoje benignosti je najbolj iskren.

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Slovenia’s Ambassador to Japan issued this incredible apology for signing ACTA

February 9th, 2012 § Comments Off on Slovenia’s Ambassador to Japan issued this incredible apology for signing ACTA § permalink

i’ve tweeted about this, i’ve blogged about it, i don’t think we said enough. I also don’t think it was right for us to stay quiet until it was too late.

can’t wait until geeks take over governance.

Slovenia’s Ambassador to Japan issued this incredible apology for signing ACTA

Slovenia‘s Ambassador to Japan has made a quite incredible apology after she signed the ACTA agreement on behalf of the Eastern European country, as Techdirt reports. After being deluged by complaints, Helena Drnovsek Zorko apologised to her nation, but first her children, for signing the act.


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slovenski proračun in deficit

January 28th, 2012 § 1 comment § permalink

po spletu odmeva ena zanimiva kvintesencialna infografika:

The budget explained in simple English – Mr. Conservative

Something as complicated as the United States debt simplified in a way we can all understand… Lets remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household income.

us budget deficit in simple english

… zanimiva je ker ne poskuÅ¡a biti na silo vizualna, pa je Å¡e vedno izjemno povedna. mislim da rabimo različico za Slovensko realnost…

Nekaj podatkov o Slovenskih javnih financah (2010):

  • Prihodki od davkov: € 7.011.901.071
  • Drugi dohodki (EU & obresti): € 1.613.100.580
  • Proračun: € 12.333.046.786
  • Proračunski primankljaj: € 3.708.045.135
  • Dolgovi države: € 3.621.773.371
  • Privarčevano z intervencijskim zakonom: € 65.000.000

Ce odstranimo 5 ničel se lahko pretvarjamo da je to družinski proračun:

  • Leten dohodek družine: € 70.119
  • Donacije človekoljubnih sosedov: € 16.131
  • Denar, ki ga je družina porabila: € 123.305
  • Nov minus na kreditni kartici: € 37.080
  • Obstoječ minus na kreditni kartici: € 36.217
  • Privarčevano: € 650
ni videti bistvene razlike. oboje je strašljivo.
podatki: slo-tech
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April 6th, 2011 § Comments Off on Missunderstood § permalink

Have a Very Bokeh Christmas

While wandering around Ljubljana yesterday, I met two friends from previous lives. While briefly catching up, they’ve asked me two very interesting questions, that made me realize two important points about my current life and how it’s different from other segments of Slovenian reality.

A friend from academia, professor, has asked me what is it again that we are doing, “something web right, I mean, I’m guessing you’re doing everything by now…” She was assuming that a successful company must be expanding the portfolio, rather than be successful in one niche. Kind of old school, but predominant assumption in our society.

A friend from NGO, now freelance designer, has asked me “so you guys are still focused? Is it hard to keep working on just one thing?” My answer was “it’s hard, but it makes sense to focus”. His question was excellent, to the point, and surprisingly nobody asked me this ever before. And it neatly expressed the modus operandi of the freelance crowd over here – be overwhelmed by projects, doesn’t matter if you finish them really.

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For the record: country X

November 19th, 2007 § 1 comment § permalink

image Slovenia is a nice little country in the central europe, we like to call it ‘on the sunny side of the alps ‘, which is completely useless here, because brits just don’t know what alps are. *sigh*

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