Uber address book, still unsolved

October 8th, 2008 § 2 comments

Card game, 1895Image via WikipediaThere is a segment of users, that has to daily deal with incredible amounts of contact information. The problems are numerous, from having to manually type-in infos from cards, to contacts changing their detail regularly, and the best tools avaliable still have not changed much since we started abusing spreadsheets for this task.

There are insane amounts of startups trying to tackle this, but so far the improvements were minor. From automatic scanners of cards with proprietary database of my contacts, ZyB that plugs into my phone, Highrise that can even auto clasify my emails, but makes me update contact data as it changes, to dynamic linkedin without address book functionality.

It’s hard to explain all the caveats of these services, but anyone with this problem knows what I have in mind. What we really need is having these different services communicate with each other.  I want Highrise connected seamlessly with my LinkedIn for instance, and I don’t want to type-in details that will surely change eventually. Everyone should maintain their public info in their accountsand we should all just pull from them. Also, I need this to function asadresbook in the end, not just sitting one one part of the net, separated from my email client. It’s great to be able to tag contacts in Higrise, but no nice way to send newsletter to all my VC friends.

After two decades, many other fields got consolidated, but in the social space, it seems that everyone is concerned only with playing games and annoy me with virality, rather that producing a useful tool. Argh.

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§ 2 Responses to Uber address book, still unsolved"

  • jure says:

    Hello, my name is E service will sync your add-hoc friends into soocial that will then sync it with highrise, mobile and gmail apps and also local address book.

    Almost there 🙂

  • bostjan says:

    actually yes. Zyb + Highrise + IMAP + LinkedIn would be a good start, but from then on, having a communications dashboard would make sense, something like itunes for music. i have almost more contacts to manage across several services, as I have music in my single database. and the complexity is not that different…

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